Integrated report 2021

17.2 Other current assets

As at December 31, 2021 As at December 31, 2020
Cost to acquire customers 56 50
Long-term contracts 38 43
Property and tort insurance 14 14
Logistics costs related to coal purchases 4 17
IT services 15 16
Social Fund 7 10
Other prepayments 18 20
VAT receivables 537 519
Excise tax receivables 17 17
Advances for deliveries 507 11
Other current assets 27 82

The amount of VAT receivables is related mainly to an estimate of electricity sales, unread on metering equipment as of the reporting date. The amount of excise tax receivables regards the exemption from excise tax of electricity generated from renewable energy sources on the basis of a document confirming the redemption of the certificate of origin.

The amount of advance is mainly related to future coal supplies for the purposes of the Conventional Generation segment.


Cost to acquire customers

Pre-contractual costs incurred in connection with the performance of the contract are included in other assets and recognised as prepaid expenses if it is probable that these costs will be covered in the future by revenue received from the customer.

The Group recognised the following costs to be settled over time as at December 31, 2021 and December 31, 2020

Year ended December 31, 2021 Year ended December 31, 2020
AS AT JANUARY 1 155 148
Costs of bringing a contract to conclusion – capitalised 61 53
Amortisation and impairment (54) (46)
AS AT DECEMBER 31 162 155
Current 56 50
Non-current 106 105

The costs of bringing a contract to conclusion primarily include agency commissions for acquiring or retaining a customer.

The asset is depreciated on a systematic basis, taking into account the period over which the goods or services to which it relates are transferred to the customer.

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